Adult Beginner Hockey League

Adult Beginner Hockey League



No experience required

Our Beginner Hockey League is the perfect way for any new hockey player to get a taste of how our full leagues work. The goal of the league is to help first-time players get a feel for how the game is played and to gain game experience. Each team will have a coach that is trained for teaching new players and will work specifically with your team to help you and your team grow into better team players as well as individuals. This is a Beginner League, therefore any player who is familiar with or experienced in hockey will be moved up to one of our standard adult leagues.

Key Information

Here are the Cliffs Notes

The most important information from the rest of this page is summarized here.

  • No experience is required.
  • Required gear: Helmet with full face cage, skates, elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, stick. Equipment rentals are available for free from our Rental Room.
  • League cost is $90.00 per person.
  • Sign up individually and you will be drafted onto a team.
  • There is one exhibition week, 6 regular season games, and 1 guaranteed playoff game.
  • Game times are 8:15 and 9:00pm.
  • Games are 3v3 with three 12-minute periods.
  • Each team has a trained hockey coach to help develop players during the game.

League Format

What to expect

6 regular season games, 1 week of playoffs. Playoffs will be single elimination. There may be double headers.

Game Format

Know how to play

Games are three 15-minute periods. There is a 30-second intermission between periods. The clock will stop in the last minute of the third period if the score is within one goal. In the event of a tie after the 3rd period, a 3 min/3-on-3 overtime will be played. No stop clock in the overtime period. If the score remains tied, a 4-man shootout will commence and continue into a sudden death shootout.

Team Structure

How it works

Simply register as an individual and we will place you on a team for the upcoming season!

Game Dates / Times

Mark your calendars

Adult Beginner games are Mondays at 8:15pm and 9:15pm.


What does this run?

Our Adult Beginner Hockey Leagues cost $90 per player per 7-week season.  A Plex membership is required.


We have answers

Please email our Hockey League Manager Ashley Burns, at, with any inquiries.